I wanted the layout to have a somewhat finished look, as well as have some added durability (as it would likely get moved around), so I installed the fascia. I purchased 1/8″ masonite hardboard and ripped them into manageable strips. I temporarily fastened each strip of masonite to the side of the layout using wood screws. I traced the contour of the terrain onto each board, removed the screws, and cut along each line using a jigsaw. I also cut to access holes in two of the fascia pieces so that in the case of a derailment, I would be able to reach inside the layout.
I reattached the masonite strips to the side of the layout, making certain that I lined up the screws with their original holes, and ensuring I applied a generous coat of PL300 adhesive to the Styrofoam, and wood glue to the base of the frame and tightened the screws. As a finishing touch, I added corner bead to the outside edges of the layout ‘ again adding some additional durability, as well as hiding any imperfections in the cuts.
Later, I will remove the screws once the glue has dried.