I decided that I wanted to build a ‘dirt’ crossing for the NES, as I wanted to keep things looking rural and rough. While I’m sure my finished product isn’t 100% prototypical, it did allow me to create a crossing with great ease, and looks appropriate for the rest of the layout.

I first started by cutting some leftover rails to appropriate lengths, and after gently curving them with my fingers, I glued them to the ties between the mainlines using CA. I used the cast rail spikes of the flex track as spacers ‘ butting the guard rails against them. Once the glue had dried, I filled between the rails using the coloured drywall compound and a palette knife. Using a larger palette knife, I built up the approaches to the crossing ‘ making sure none of the mud got down between the rails.

Once the mud had dried, I applied some masking tape over the guard rails, as well as down the sides of the road to establish the basic shape of the crossing. Again, using a large palette knife, I smoothed in the drywall mud, allowing the excess to spill over onto the tape. Satisfied with the result, I then carefully peeled away the tape.

Once dry, I chipped off the excess mud, and then built the banks around the crossing again using a small pallette knife.










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