Woodland Scenics Track-bed was attached to the styrofoam baseboard using liquid nails and held in place with push pins. Feeder wires were soldered onto the outside of the rails – facing away from the viewer. A thin coat of brown latex acrylic caulking was applied to the roadbed, and the track was carefully placed and pinned. (Using clear or brown latex caulking is essential as the adhesive can rise-up between the railroad ties and will become visible after ballasting). The roadbed edges were painted with concrete-coloured paint, which acted as an adhesive for the ballast. Once dry, the additional ballast was applied to the center of the track, everything was misted with wet water, and diluted white glue was piped into the sleepers. While damp, fine ground foam was applied to add weeds and grass.

0 thoughts on “Weathering and Ballasting N Scale Track”
James Lowe says:
Excellent video! Looking forward to seeing more progress.
N scale Dystopia says:
Thanks, James! I’m having fun and I appreciate your comment.