I recently watched Hotel Artemis, a 2018 dystopian technoir thriller film starring Jodie Foster, Jeff Goldblum and Dave Batista. I enjoyed the film, and the movie’s setting is similar to the themes I’m trying to build into my N scale layout. I wanted to kitbash a freelanced version of the hotel mainly because of its signature rooftop marquee. The majority of the movie takes place inside the building, with only a few scenes recorded in back alleyways. As such, there were no exterior shots of the building. That said, there was one scene in the movie where there was a photograph of the hotel hanging on a corridor wall. That image is a digitally manipulated version of the Roslyn Hotel in Los Angeles. I used this as my general reference and kitbashed an Outland models ‘modern city building four-story house’ to create the basic structure. I 3D printed the ground floors as well as the penthouse and the majority of the details.

0 thoughts on “Kitbashing the Hotel Artemis in N Scale”
Willis Gibson says:
Your work is awesome! I like the idea of 3d printing pieces to really customize your buildings. I see you’re using the Ender printer. I curious as to the slicer settings you used to get such great detail. Thank you.
N Scale Dystopia says:
I’m using Cura to do my slicing and I’m using the default ‘Super Quality’ setting. I haven’t done much tinkering with settings as this seems to work well. Thanks!